To be a thought leader and implementation partner for Canadian profession regulators in evidence-informed competence management systems that meaningfully impact registrant performance across their career spans.
Minimum Standards in Regulated Professions
We’ve previously written about the minimum standards approach employed in Quality Assurance (QA) programs in regulated professions. Regulators must be mindful at all times of serving the public interest;
Micros and Macros
We at the CSC Collab like to characterize entry-to-practice (EtP) competence in a profession as being a ‘one size fits all’ requirement. EtP specifications are typically laid out in great detail to ensure that all licensees can provide a minimum standard of service to the public.
A Scale for Mature Practice
One of the most powerful aspects of the CSC Framework and the Career-Span Competencies is their applicability to almost every profession. Application of the 14 competencies at some level is required throughout a career no matter what occupation is being considered.
Problem with Continuing Competence
Ensuring the ongoing competence of regulated professionals is a key focus for regulators and often an important objective of Quality Assurance programming. However, in most cases, ongoing competence is almost exclusively tied to continuing education and the associated
Novice vs Expert
We at the CSC Collaborative advocate for professional competence to be considered as a dynamic quality, that is expressed in the context practice.
Quality Assurance VS Quality Improvement… What’s the Difference?
When talking about workplace performance beyond entry-to-practice, much emphasis is typically placed on the concept of quality assurance (QA). Compliance with QA requirements is mandatory in most regulated professions, such as health professions, as well as legal, education, and real estate.
Development Within a Lifelong Career is Kind of Like Driving a Car
How a professional develops over the span of their career is not straight forward nor an easy process to define. It is highly individualized and variable over time. At the CSC Collaborative, we often refer to it as a ‘moving target’.
Regulators and the Public Interest
Pretty much any regulator of professional practice will tell you that their mandate from government is to serve and protect the public interest.
But what is the public interest?
PD - What Mountains Do You Want To Climb
The traditional perspective embedded in Quality Assurance Programs (QAPs) is that ‘continuing competence’, or what we prefer to call ‘career-span competence’, is primarily dependent on learning activities.
Competency or Competence? Tomato or Tomatoe? But wait! - there’s a difference!
Language in the field of performance management can be confusing. Two of our key
terms: competency and competence are particularly problematic when used casually.